- 2 min read
How to share Google Meet Timer?

In this tutorial, we will show you how to easily share Meeting Timer - for Google Chrome on other Tabs in your browser. Having a Timer placed on all opened Tabs, allows you to share your screen together with a Timer. Sharing Google Meet Timer with other participants makes it easy to keep better control over the meeting pace and forces everyone to better track their time. It makes meetings more compact and well-organized.
1. Install Chrome Extension
First, make sure you have installed Meeting Timer - for Google Chrome.
2. Open Google Meet link in your browser
Now, go to Google Meet call of your choice. You can use the Meeting Timer Popup List (see cheat sheet with all the controls) or just open any Google Meet link directly.
3. Hover over the Timer and click “Share” button
Once you are on a Google Meet call and have the Chrome Extension installed, a Timer will be automatically displayed on the page. Now hover your mouse over the Timer and click the “Share” button. The Timer will appear on every Tab in your Chrome browser. Note that you can open several windows of Chrome browser and the Timer will be displayed on all of them.
You will notice a green icon inside the Timer. It indicates that Timer is now shared.
Google Meet Timer - Chrome Extension. Sharing Timer on other tabs.
4. Share your screen with all participants
Now, you can just share your screen by clicking "Present Now" in Google Meet, and conduct a meeting (for example open your presentation or Scrum board). The Timer will be visible to everyone together with the shared screen.
What is Meeting Timer - for Google Chrome?
Meeting Timer - for Google Meet is a free Chrome Extension that allows you to extend all Google Meet calls with a Timer functionality. Our mission is to help you optimize your time and increase productivity.
Google Meet doesn't have built-in Timer natively that would help you stay organised or track the progress of the meeting. Our Google Meet Timer offers both a manual timer (you can type the duration manually) as well as integration with Google Calendar. When integrated, the duration of the meeting is calculated automatically, once the calendar event is matched with the Google Meet call. Yes. Magic! ✨🪄
Meeting Timer - Different states of the timer